Android Insights Series: Which Android Studio channel to download and use for development?

When developing Android applications, the very first question that comes to mind is which IDE to use. The answer is simple: Android Studio! It is the recommended IDE for Android development and is distributed and maintained by Google.

At this point, you might already be dreaming of coding up your first application and what all exciting features you are going to add. Not so fast though! Before we get down to getting our hands dirty, we still have to download the proper Android Studio version and that's where choosing the correct one can get a little confusing for beginner developers. Lets try to demystify it a bit.

Android Studio Version Naming 

Android Studio has a naming system for its versions, which follows an alphabetical pattern.
Examples: Android Studio Flamingo (F) released in 2022 -> Giraffe (G) released in 2022-> Hedgehog (H) (released in 2023, current version as of this writing).

Builds/Channels in Android Studio

Android Studio has different release channels/builds for its versions that offer different levels of stability and features. 

  • The preview builds are experimental and generally unstable builds. They can further be categorized into two channels: beta (more stable, well tested builds) or canary (less stable, lightly tested build). 
  • The stable channel, on the other hand, is the most reliable and tested one and the official recommended downloadable versions belong to this channel.

Reading the above, you might be wondering "Why in the world will anyone choose a preview build over a stable one?"
Turns out, preview builds have their own unique quirks, which make them useful for specific scenarios. Lets explore them a bit more.
As mentioned above, preview builds have two channels - beta or canary. Beta channel provides early access to latest features in a well-tested build.  Canary is the most experimental and unstable channel and is generally a lightly tested build.
Lets take an example to understand the correlation between Android Studio versions and release channels. As of this writing, the current stable Android Studio version is Hedgehog (H), beta build is Android Studio Iguana (I) and Canary channel is Jellyfish (J). See the order? : H (most stable) -> I (beta, less stable but well tested) -> J (experimental, lightly tested)

Android Studio channels versions

Advantages of a preview build of Android Studio

  • You can access and use the latest features and improvements in Android Studio before they are officially released by Google. For example, the current preview builds includes new features like Studio Bot, Safe Mode, Compose UI Check and more, which are not yet released.
  • You can provide feedback and bug reports to Google and help shape the future of Android development.
  • You can test your apps on the newest Android platform and ensure greater compatibility and performance in future.
  • You can install multiple versions of Android Studio preview side by side,

Disadvantages of a preview build of Android Studio

  • The preview builds are unstable and may have bugs, crashes, or performance issues. They are not intended for consumer use or production environments. They are only for experimentation and getting a taste of new features.
  • The preview builds may require higher hardware specifications and use more RAM than the stable builds. They may also take longer to install and update.
  • The preview builds may not be compatible with some third-party plugins or libraries that you use in your projects. You may need to update them frequently or find alternatives.
  • The preview builds are not easy to install or uninstall.
  • There are certain restrictions while using preview builds. You need to manually download and flash the software to your device, which can possibly lead to complications. You also cannot unenroll from the preview builds without erasing your phone.

Final thoughts on choosing the right Android Studio channel

If you are a beginner developer, just use the latest stable build. Only when you are more comfortable in the Android ecosystem, you can come back and experiment with preview builds.

If you have some experience in Android development and are sure that you will be able to handle the issues that can come up in using the preview builds, start with the beta version. If you want to be ahead of others and are prepared to experiment, why not have some fun! The preview versions are waiting for you!

If you have a specific question on Android development or you are stuck at a point, don't hesitate to ask. Just make a comment below.
